Thursday, 20 March 2014

GPP3 Assignments

Learning Activity 01 Prepress Research:
video research on printing processes                                             

We are surrounded by print every day, but do we know how it was printed?  From our bathrooms to the cafe where we read our newspapers, we rarely give a second thought to how the products we use everyday are printed....round objects, soft objects and foil chip do they print the packaging?

This assignment started with a video giving a background to a variety of printing methods commonly used to print a variety of substrates.....I feel wiser now!


1. List the printing process identified in this program:

·       Offset lithographic printing

·       Digital printing
o   electrophotography
o   ink jet printing

·       Flexographic printing (a type of relief printing – not as fine as offset)
o   Central impression (plastic film)
o   Stack press (prints both sides of the substrate)
o   In line press (can accommodate a number of plates and other methods of printing)

·       Screen Printing (high quality definition, high density colour, long life inks, large paper sheets, metal & plastic products & short runs)
o   Flat bet
o   Flat-to-round
o   Round-to-round

2. What products are printed using the cheaper papers in printing?
Because cheap papers have a short lifespan, products such as newspapers, which are produced daily and flyers and leaflets that have short-term promotions are use these types of economical papers.  Take-away food paper bags that have a one-use purpose also use cheaper papers.

3. What products are higher quality papers used for in printing?
Coated papers that have a longer life span are used for colourful advertising posters, glossy magazines and books.  Heavier glossy paper is the most expensive and used for photographic work or art prints.

4. What are printing plates made from in the offset lithographic print process?
The lithographic plates are mostly made of aluminium that has a light sensitive coating to which the photographic designs are exposed. 

5. What are spot colours used for?
Spot colours are used to intensify a colour like gold, silver or to add a gloss surface for special effects.

6. How is digital printing different from offset lithography?
Images or pages prepared for offset printing are transferred and fixed to a metal plate that is permanent and unchanging.  This static image can be repeated in high volumes onto paper passing through the offset printing press.  By contrast the data for images or pages to be printed by the digital printing method is transferred to the digital press electronically and has the flexibility to enable each page to be printed differently.

7. What are the advantages of flexography printing?
Flexographic printing has the advantage of being able to be used on a wide range of material from paper to plastic, foils and corrugated board.

8. What methods are used to dry inks?
·       Offset lithography:
The printed sheets are fed at high speeds through an oven heated to 140 degrees Celsius and when it exits the oven the paper quickly passes over chilled rollers to cool it down.

·       Digital printing:
Digital inks dry by ordinary evaporation and absorption.

·       Flexography:
Chemicals such as acetates or proponols can be added to ink to control faster or slower drying times required between inkings

·       Screen printing
Air-drying between inkings is required for short run fine art prints

9. How is digital printing different from traditional printing?
While the quality of digital printing is equivalent to the printing results of traditional printing methods, it is limited by slower printing speed and by the fact that the printers are limited to a maximum thickness of 200gsm paper that can feed into the machines.  Digital printers also lack the ability to accept a wide range and variety of papers that traditional commercial presses can.

10. What is a substrate?
A substrate is any material or product that is printable,

11. Why is coloured artwork separated into four plates?
all other colour combinations can be made from the four colours .cyan, magenta, yellow and black, and this is why they are used on separate plates.

12. Book casing refers to what?
This is the term that refers to the finishing process for hard cover books that may include specialised

13. Binding and finishing uses different equipment to finish the printed work.  Explain these terms:
a. Knife folding machine (also called the right-angle fold principle)
A Knife-folding machine is one where the flat sheet of paper falls onto a flat bed and a knife pushes the paper through a slit in the surface of the plate between two rollers below which engage with the paper and form the fold below.  These machines are versatile and can fold a variety of paper and cardboards.
b.  Perfect binding machine
A Perfect binding machine is a machine that glues the folds of pages of a book together at the spine between two much heavier covers

c.  Guillotine

A guillotine is a machine with a long blade that cuts flat sheets of paper

Research and compare two printing processes outlined in the program to produce a magazine and comment on their suitability or otherwise.  Document your findings and answer these questions in sentence format.

Offset Lithographic printing
Offset lithography is the workhorse of printing and nearly all commercial printers have an offset printing machine, and under the best conditions and operator, the end product can give very fine printed results.

Offset lithography works on the basic premise that water and ink don’t mix.  Images that include words and art are transferred and set onto plates.  Paper plates produce a lower quality product while aluminium produces the highest quality but is more costly. The plates are dampened first by water and then ink.  The ink adheres to the image area, the water to the non-image area.  The image is transferred to a rubber blanket, and from the rubber blanket to paper. This is the reason the process is called “offset” because the image is not printed directly to the paper from the plate as does in etching or gravure printing.   These cylindrical offset printers can produce big runs moderately quickly with quality results.

Sheet-fed offset is another popular method of offset printing and can be found in many small and large printing plants, and is capable of producing high-quality printed products on a range wide of paper stock, as well as short runs.   Sheet-fed presses print on individual sheets of paper, as opposed to continuous rolls of paper used on cylindrical offset presses and web presses.

Dumbo Ferather
Dumbo Feather is a quarterly magazine periodical, which is described by its publishers as a mook – half magazine, half book - because it is issued regularly like a magazine, but has the appearance of a book.

The format of this magazine appeals to a green conscious, thoughtful and discerning demographic.  The publishers aim to maintain a low footprint and are driven by passion, purpose and a sense of community.  The matt, 100% recycled paper stock and quality images printed with soy-based ink instead of chemicals support the intelligent content and satisfy the consumer’s expectation of a quality alternative publication.

Printgraphics|Printgreen of Mount Waverley in Victoria produces Dumbo Feather using the sheet-fed printing method.  Modern sheet-fed presses have sophisticated electronic controls for adjusting colour and register.  This technology will often shorten set-up time and reduce printed waste, and in a competitive market, the result is an economical product. 

The printing method chosen by the publishers gives them the quality they need and is balanced with the cost of the comparatively small production run.  The company has a small number of executives running the company.

Web Press printing
While Offset lithography can accommodate small boutique printings as well as large quality productions, web press printing is another type of offset printing that takes production runs to another level. Web-fed printing refers to the use of rolls (or ‘webs’) of paper that are supplied to the printer.  The machines can print at very high speeds and use very large continuous sheets of paper. Press speeds can reach up to 50,000 impressions per hour and are ideal for high volume publications such as mass-market books, magazines, newspapers, catalogues and brochures. While the quality is good, there is not the same wide range of boutique papers available for specialist jobs.  These presses have the advantage of speed and quick completion, and the larger the run the more economical the publication becomes.

This method of printing is used for popular magazines like Women’s Weekly, who has a mass target market where price is a consumer consideration.  Cheaper papers can be used so that more content can be put into one magazine, making a thicker publication with more pages appeal to a sense value in a mass market.  Women’s Weekly is usually 240 pages long and printed on thin glossy paper.  Launched in 1933, the magazine has been in continuous production since then.  Until the early 1980s it was produced weekly, but with rising costs it was decided to release the magazine monthly in 1983.  It has a circulation of around 530,000 and continues to be one of Australia’s most popular magazines.

Economies of scale would suggest that web press printing is the most economical production choice for a magazine that appeals to a mass market with the overheads of a large production team.  Web press printing is the best choice for the Women’s Weekly.
(telephone conversation) Nigel Quirk, Account Manager, Dumbo Feather, Printgraphics

Create a puzzle word-search using these printing terms:

Direct marketing
Ink jet

Collect examples of 6 different printed materials and attach a description to each item that explains the main features of the printing process used. Set them out in easy steps or diagrams / pictures and clearly show how the processes relate to your examples.

1.  silk textile – digitally printed fabric
Designs for textiles to be printed digitally can be prepared electronically using graphic design software much the same as desktop publishing from computer to printer.  With a digital fabric printer that uses inkjet technology, the textile is fed through the printer using rollers and ink is applied to the surface in the form of thousands of tiny droplets.  The fabric is finished using heat or steam to make the inks colour fast.  The inks used in digital printing are formulated specifically for each type of fibre – cotton, silk, linen, polyester, rayon etc.

2. carpet samples folder - offset lithography 
Offset lithography is the standard commercial printing method used today and forms the bulk of mass printing production because of the high quality of printing and low cost of individual sheets the higher the printing run.  The paper covering this carpet sample book would have been printed on a cylinder and blanket offset printer, and calendared for extra gloss.  The artwork and text would have been digitally transferred to a plate ready for the printer.  The print and images on the plate would accept the ink, and the white background would repel the ink because it would be water absorbent and kept damp during the printing process.  After printing the coated paper would need to be die cut and laminated onto thicker cardboard as support backing.  It would then be ready to be scored, the carpet samples added and then folded ready for presentation. 

A sample book like this would be given to carpet retailers to show to their customers and would be not be required to be printed in very high volumes.  The finishing processes would be done on a flat bed die cutting machine, which is cheaper.


3.  Madura tea package – Flexographic printing
Flexography is the most common form of printing packaging and labels because this method can accommodate a wide range of more flexible materials including foils and plastics like this tea bag package made from a foil material.  Flexography is a rotary relief printing process where the raised flexible printing plate impresses ink onto the surface of the printed material from the pressure of rollers.  The substrate to be printed is fed through a series of inking stations where spot colour like this gold lettering can be added, and includes other processes such as laminating.

4.  Esso tiger  (Japan 1960s) & speed sign (current)– silkscreen on metal
Screen-printing is used commercially when the product has large areas of plain colour, is of a large size and a large volume of product is not required.  The overlap and mis-registration can be seen on the vintage Esso tiger.  The recent Clarence City Council sign (done by Eye Spy Signs) would have had screens made from accurate digital images. 


5. plastic deodorant bottle – Flexographic pad printing
Pad printing is an indirect way of printing.  By using extremely elastic pads such as silicon, concave, convex, regular and irregular shaped objects can be printed.  The pad takes up the image from an etched printing plate and transfers it onto the object.  The process works by silicon pads squishing into the object in order to apply the ink in the appropriate places.


6. card – Thermographic printing
Thermographic printing is heat raised printing and is commonly used on wedding invitations, business cards, greetings cards and can also be used to print braille text. Thermography machines consist of three sections connected by a through conveyor. The first section applies thermographic/embossing powder to the substrate.  The areas selected for raised printing are printed with slow drying pigment inks that do not contain dryers or hardeners so that they remain wet during the application of powder. This ink is dried and hardened later during the heating process.  The second section of the process is a vacuum system that removes excess powder from uninked areas of the substrate.  The third section of the process conveys the product through a radiant oven where it is exposed to temperatures of 900 to 1300 degrees Fahrenheit.  The powder melts, and the melted ink solidifies as the product cools.


PART E: Terminology

In your own words, provide a brief definition of each of the words listed below. 

Analog proof:  is a prepress proof that uses inkjet, toner, dyes, overlays, photographic film or other techniques to give a close approximation of what the finished piece will look like.

Additive Colour:  red, yellow & blue

Artwork:  is the complete master file that includes images, fonts and graphics from which proofs are made to produce the printing plates.

Ascender:  is part of a letter that rises above the main type body such the tail of the letter “h”.

Backing:  part of the binding operation that consolidates the back of a book.

Base art:  before desktop publishing, base art was the first layer of art that was applied direct to the board.

Beating:  is a process of mashing the fibres of pulp in papermaking to produce the desired quality of paper.

Bleaching:  a process in papermaking to whiten cellulose fibres.

Bleed:  printing that is extended beyond the edge of a sheet or page that is to be trimmed.

Body matter:  is the main text of work not including the headlines

Body size:  is the depth of a type as distinct from its face size

Bromide:  is photographic paper used for proofing and reproduction.

Bulk:  is the thickness of paper

Calendering: is a finishing process at the end of a papermaking machine where paper is pressed between rollers to increase the smoothness and gloss of the paper.
Camera-ready copy:   this is the final copy that requires no further work that the printer uses as the original for making a printing plate.

CMYK colour:  is the system of primary printing colours (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) used popularly to process colour reproduction.  K is used to represent black because it is believed that ‘B’ would be confused with Cyan (blue).  It is also thought that K could be and abbreviation for the Key colour.

Coated paper:  is paper with a surface coating to produce a smooth finish in either matt or gloss.

Collate: to bring different sections of work together in the right sequence.

Colour bar: is a band of colour strips that is placed at the sides of a print job for measuring colour density and to ensure that the four colour plates are registered correctly.

Compositor: is a tradesperson who specialises in typesetting.

Continuous tone:  a photographic image that has not been dot screened.

Crop marks:  are marks at the edge of a photograph or plate that indicated portions to be eliminated from the image.

Cyan:  is one of the primary colour process inks that reflects or transmits blue and green light and absorbs red light.

Densitometer:  is a photoelectric instrument, which measures the density of photographic images or of colours, and is used in colour printing for quality control to determine the consistency of colours throughout a run.

Descender:  the part of the letter, which extends below the main body of type such as the tail of “p”.

Desktop publishing:  is the process of using the computer and specific types of software to produce text and artwork to produce  of documents that are properly formatted for print, web, mobile devices, newsletter, brochures, books, business cards, letterhead, packaging, signage etc.

Digesting:  is part of the papermaking process where softwood chips are combined with chemicals to produce pulp for paper manufacture.

Digital proof:  a colour proof produced from digital data that does not require colour separations for printing.

Digital electronic printing:  is a plateless method of printing that uses desktop publishing and other digital sources to print using laser or inkjet printers.

Doctor Blade:  a knife-edged blade used in gravure that presses against the engraved printing cylinder to wipe excess ink from non-printing surfaces.

Dot gain:  in printing this is a normal occurence where dots print larger than original and cause darker tones.

Dots per inch: is a measure of the resolution of a screen image or printed page.

Dummy:  is a sample of proposed work that is prepared before printing as a mock-up to assess the design and to estimate the production requirements.

Duotone: is a term for a two-colour halftone reproduced from a one-colour photograph.

Dye-line:  is a proof prepared photographically.

Emboss:  is a relief image that gives a raised printed surface

Flexography: is a printing process that prints from flexible rubber or plastic plates that use volatile inks that are fast drying to enable a printer to print a variety of colours quickly and on many different surfaces.
Flat-bed cutting:  is a process of die cutting on a flat bed rather than a rotary press.  Flatbed die cutting is not as fast as rotary cutting, but the tools are cheaper.

Folding:  is the process of creasing a page that later can be collated, bound into a book or document.

Folio:  the page number printed on the page (not the physical page number).

Font:  is the complete range of a designed type of one size and face.

Forme:  Size, style, type, margins, printing requirements, etc. of any printed

Fugitive ink:  Ink (usually water soluble) used in security printing to combat forgery.

Galley:  Shallow metal tray used to hold type.

GSM:  Grams per Square Metre; a standard measure of the weight of paper.
Also expressed as gm2.

Gravure printing:  is the opposite to relief printing.  The image is etched on the surface of a metal plate or cylinder so that the image to be printed is in the depressions of the plate, which are then filled with ink.  The plate is wiped clean, the paper is pressed against the inked plate and the image is transferred to the paper.

Greyscale:  The range of tones from white to black, placed at the side of original
copy during photography to measure the tonal range.

Grippers:  metal fingers that hold sheets of paper as it passes through a printing press.

Guillotine:   is a machine with a blade that cuts flat sheets of paper.

H&J:  is one of the more technical typographic terms, referring to the hyphenation and justification settings used specifically to create and control justified type.

Halftone:  is the reproduction of continuous tone artwork, such as a photograph, with the image translated into dots of various sizes.

Hard copy:  is the physical printed copy of a file or document for visual checking and proof reading for correction of data.

Hemp: the first book made on a printing press, the Gutenburg Bible, was printed on hemp paper.  600 years later it is still in good condition. Today hemp is not produced in large quantities for papermaking.  Wood pulp is still the dominant material used for papermaking.

Imposition:  is the arranging of pages to ensure the correct order after the printed sheet is folded and trimmed.

ISBN:  International Standard Book Numbering System

ISO:  International Standards Organisation

ISSN:  International Standard Serial Number

Justify:  is to align the contents of a document to the right and left of a column or page

Kerning:  in typography, the part of a letter, which overhangs the type body.  Kerning involves closing up type where the letter shape results in uneven letter spacing.

Leading:  is the amount of space between lines of type.

Lithography printing:  the principle of this printing method is that water repels oil.  Oil based  inks are applied to the printed surface of a plate or cylinder, while the non printied surface is kept moist with water.  Paper and a blanket are placed onto the plate, pressure is applied  and the inked area is transferred to the paper.

Logo:  is the personalised type or design symbol for a company or product.

Mechanical fastening:  in the printing industry, fastening is the process of attaching one part or item to another, such as when a printed label is adhered to another.   This is a method of joining or adhering two separate parts mechanically.

Mock-up:  in design, a mock-up is a scale or full-size model of a design used for teaching, demonstration, design evaluation, promotion and other purposes.  A mock-up is a prototype.

Moire pattern: is the pattern caused by overlaying conflicting screen angles

OCR:  Optical Character Recognition of type by a scanner, which senses light reflected from the printed image and  is able to identify each character.

Offset:  is a printing process in which the image is transferred from plate to paper by means of a rubber-covered cylinder.

Orphan:  is the first line of a paragraph that ends up as the last line of a column or the last line of a paragraph that ends up as the firs line of a column.

Outline fonts:  in the screen-printing industry, outline font is a type of text that has characters that are defined by an outline of the edges rather than a solid character.  Also used in book printing, brochure and flyer printing.

Over-printing:  double printing – printing over an area that has already been printed

Pad printing:  pad printing machines can print on 3D and moulded objects.

Pantone colour:  The Pantone Matching System (PMS) is a registered, standardised colour reproduction system used by designers and manufacturers to ensure colours match using swatches without having to have direct contact with clients.  Most of the Pantone’s 1,114 spot colours cannot be simulated with CMYK, but with 13 base pigments (15 including white and black) mixed in specified amounts.  It also allows for many special colours to be produced such as metallics and fluorescents.

Perfecting Press:  is a printing press that prints on both sides of the page in a single pass.

Perfect binding:  is a method of joining together pages, more often with a periodical or publication printing, and can be of a variety of methods.

Picking:  is the lifting of the paper surface, and occurs when the ink tack exceeds the surface strength of the paper.

Plate:  is the printing surface.  It is also tje name given to an illustration inset in a book.

Plate setter:  is a machine that processes and creates images suitable for use on an offset printing press.

Ream:  A standard of quantity of paper meaning 20 quires or 500 sheets(formerly 480 sheets)

Register marks:  are the crosses or marks on originals that act as a guide for printing to facilitate the perfect registration or overlay of separate plates

Relief printing:  is a method that applies ink to a raised surface.  Paper is placed onto the inked area. A print is taken after pressure is applied to the paper.

Resolution:  in digital imaging this is the means by which the printout quality is measured in the number of dots per inch.

RGB colour:  red, green, blue additive primary colurs.

Rotary cutting:  is die cutting method using a rotary press with customised dies that run over the turning surface.  It is useful for high volume projects with consistent cuts and produces little waste.  It is a low tolerance, precision cutting method with fast turnaround times and is often done inline with printing.  It is a more expensive method of die cutting than flat-bed cutting.

Sanserif:  a particular typeface without serifs.

Scoring: compresses a line in a sheet, particularly of thick or heavy stock, so that it will fold without creasing or cracking.

Screen ruling:  is a measurement equaling the number of lines or dots per inch on a halftone screen.

Screen printing:  is a method of printing from stencils through fine mesh or silk, metal or other material.  The stencils can be photographic or cut by hand.

Short grain paper:  Paper in which the grain direction is parallel to its shorter dimension

Signature (print term):  is the name given to a printed sheet after it has been folded.  It is also the term for the sections of a book, which are gathered for binding.

Slug Area: a slug area is an area that is printed but does not appear on the final document as it is outside the trim area.  It is used to send instructions to the printer and contains file names, printer’s colour bars and trim and register marks.

Spot-varnishing:  is a small area printed in a second colour.

Stroke:  refers to the line or lines forming a character of a typeface.

Step-and-repeat:  is a system of repeating an image on a plate by “stepping” it into position according to a predetermined layout.  This method is used for multiple printing of images on a sheet.

Substrate:  is a surface that can be printed on – paper, plastic, metal etc.

Tack: is the property of tackiness or viscosity of ink that gives the correct cohesive qualities for various inks and substrates.

Template:  is a file that is pre-designed or formatted as a starting point for a new document or design.

Thermal fastening:  in the printing industry, fastening is the process of attaching one part or item to another, such as when a printed label is adhered to another.  Thermal binding is a process that attaches a one piece cover with a glue channel down the spine.  The paper to be bound is placed in the cover, heated in a machine, and when it cools down the pages have adhered to the cover. 

Trapping:  It is very difficult to get a perfect register.  Stencils/plates are designed to include trapping, which creates a small amount of ink spread to overlap the previously printed area so that no mis-register lines appear.

Trim marks:  are the short horizontal and vertical lines on each corner of a printed page to denote where the page is to be trimmed after printing.

Typography:  is the art and technique of arranging type design that are arranged into words, sentences, paragraphs and pages for visual communication.

Variable costs:  are those costs that are not fixed, but are relative to the costs of production.

Watermark:  is a name, logo or design impressed into paper during manufacture.

Web (printer):  is a high speed printing press that prints on continuous rolls of paper or other substrates, and are typically used for printing newspapers and magazines.  Printing presses for flexographic printing used for packaging are usually web presses.

Widow: is a single word on a line that ends a paragraph, which is thought of as poor typography.

Work-and-tumble:  is a method of turning a sheet of paper to print the other side.  The second side is printed using another gripper edge.

Work-and-turn:  is the process of printing on one side of a sheet of paper; then the sheet of paper is turned over from left to right. The same gripper is used for printing both sides.

Wove:  is the term applied to papers made on an ordinary web in which the wires are woven.

X-height:  is the height of a lower case “x” in a font.

Graphic Design, Australian Style manual, Barnum, Haddock, Hicks & Oppen, McGraw-Hill 2012

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